Saturday, December 1, 2012

Peace on our Evolving Path

Hey awesome ones,

Peace on our Evolving Path

Some of the delegates of SAYC 2012 has taken up this initiative to spend fifteen minutes of a day meditating and reflecting on the world we live in. The chaos, the violence, war. It would be fifteen minutes for peace. And it would be carried out globally. Here is a message from the team:

Initiative by delegate of SAYC 2. .

EvolvingPath is an initiative that helps to bridge the deficit in Leadership and Peace slowly and steadily via Meditation.

At the heart of EvolvingPath is a simple thought: To have a happier, fulfilling and a less stressful life by taking right leadership actions in the company of right people. Leadership is not only about delivering results and manning the everyday processes, it also means, zoning out from everything and looking at the bigger picture by taking time o
ut for ourselves.

In the recent wake of intense unrest globally (Conflicts between Israeal-Palestine, Pakistan, Sudan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Greece and many more), a group of young Leaders who had gathered in Islamabad from the different SAARC countries in early November at the South Asian Youth Conference to discuss on a myriad of tough issues felt a pressing need for responsible Leadership and internal peace to progress further.
The idea behind EvolvingPath felt exactly aligned with these problems.

We at EvolvingPath decided that we are going to standby our core philosophy of creating happiness and reflecting on our own actions of what we can do in our little universe.

In this direction, we are observing 15 minutes of reflection and meditation to harness the power of the collective across the world. We believe that to change the world, we don't need to change others. We need to change ourselves.

Following are the guidelines for the event:
1) 15 minutes of meditation typically means, that where ever you are, you will close your eyes, sit silently and get in touch with yourself and your actions, that you are taking to make this world, your world, a happier place for others and for yourself.

2) Ideally, you should come together in groups of any number you want and meditate with others. Its immensely powerful to sit and meditate together. That’s the idea of EvolvingPath.
3) We are not going to make this a random activity and would like to measure the impact. We can feel counted by doing a number of things.
a) Take photos of your group. Group accountability is more authentic. Post it here on the page.
b) Blog about this feeling of harnessing the power of the collective. 15 minutes of global meditation.
c) Share your thoughts on Twitter and Facebook about what actions, big or small you will take to make sure you are doing your bit.
d) RSVP here so we have a count of the current number. We believe you will honour your word after you RSVP here.
e) Post a video of your group sharing your thoughts.
f) Reach out to as many as you can and spread the word. Involve everyone you can.
g) Any other way that you feel you can do something to further this, please feel free to do so and let us also know about it so that we can evolve.

Date: 5th December 2012, Wednesday.
Place: Global.
Time: 19.00-19.15 Indian Standard Time (UTC + 5.30)

Twitter Hashtag: #EvolvingPath

So awesome ones, i sure hope you d make it.

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