Thursday, February 17, 2011

What is your view on Vegetarians?

Since i started Protect Us and began this campaign for animal rights, i have been asked by everyone I've presented that idea to and even people who i haven't presented the idea to but have heard of it, a series of questions which ultimately leads to one single question.
What is your view on Vegetarians?
So as a rep. of this organization, i believe it is my duty to publicly address my views on this.
I know, that the Protect Us motto is to protect, preserve and promote plants and animals in the maldives. So it might be a view point of some that to protect Animals we have to stop eating animal made food. I would like to declare that Protect Us stands against this.
It is not without reason..
To truly protect plants and animals or in the bigger picture all forms of life in this planet we should maintain the delicate balance of life that we call the ecosystem. Without this balance there would be no plants. There would be no animals. And quite frankly, there would be no humans. We would cease to exist.
Vegetarians might think they are advocating animal rights by staying off eating animal food but that is just wrong. And there are reasons behind this statement.

1) For starters, when people stop eating animal produce we solely depend on plants for our food. This causes of overusing plant produce and thereby, limiting the food of the very animals we are trying to protect.

2) Plants are important for life. And if we stop eating animal produce, then plants would be the sole source of nutrition. And therefore, chance of plants going extinct is there.

3) Animals contain necessary proteins which humans can't get from any plant anywhere in the world. So it is vital for our well being to eat animals.

4) The environment would get polluted if the number of plants decrease drastically and efficient gaseous exchange is not taken place.

These are some of the reasons why this form of diet is not benificial at all for the plants and animals or even us, humans. In general for the delicate balance that we want to protect, above all.

What is our stance on this matter?
This is a very important issue. The number of vegetarians in the world are increasing. And mostly, this is because most humans are disgusted to eat animal produce. They do not want to eat fellow life. This is a very noble stance, i must stay. But the truth is most do not realize how much damage they are doing to the animals that they love. To the plants that are vital for the survival of these animals. To the survival of us humans. To the survival of this planet itself. Protect Us is a plants and animal rights organization but before that, we are eco friendly people.We are environmentalists. And therefore, our stance on this is we openly oppose vegetarians just for the sake of not eating animals. Some are forced to become vegetarian, because of their health conditions. We are not talking about that. But vegetarians for the cause of animal rights is something protect us, as long as the rules and regulations and stance passed by our founding Exsco stands as it does now, will always stand against.

Then what is the solution?
The solution is quite simple as it is complex. Extremism on both ends are unhealthy for the ecosystem.  animal rights should therefore be advocated in a moderate way. We should advocate against overfishing, overhunting, overforestation, overhunting and all these extremes. True, turtle and other endangered species should be completely protected. They should not be hunted to any extent. But other animals and plants we should use only to the amount we need. and we should always advocate and follow through with breeding and reforestation. That is the way we can save plants and animals. And that is the way we can save our earth.

Protect Us Member.

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