Disclaimer:- Some of the data, that is included in this blogpost is not truly my own. Some are from Kubler Ross's book 'death and dying' and others from famous TV show 'How I met your mother' But there are some personal references that belong to me.

In 1969 world famous psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross introduced a five-stage model of depression, in her book 'death and dying.' In this book Kubler describes that depression comes with five stages. 1.Denial 2.Anger 3.Bargaining 4. Depression 5.Acceptance.
At first i mocked Kubler. I denied the model. I didn't believe that all those phases had to come along with it. I might have been right to an extent seeing that this model is only intended for death related depression. But like i discovered lately in my own little phase of depression only in the last few months, that all these phases does come in some way or the other. And yes, denial always comes at first. For me then came, bargaining. Then Anger and depression together followed by acceptance. But i believe that Kubler is wrong to believe that it will all flow naturally. I believe that there is a way to end this phase in two stages. Initially, depression and then acceptance.

'When I'm sad i stop being sad and be awesome instead' - Barney Stinson a comedy character in popular american Tv series how i met your mother.
This quote by Barney is a highly popular and amusing quote among many of us. But how many of us have stopped to consider the good advice it offers. Sure, most of the stuff barney says are just for amusement sake and highly made up. But this particular quote caught me if i might say, 'off guard.' Barney Stinson's solution to depression is simple. Stop being sad or depressed and be awesome. I know what majority of the people who read this would think. Yea if only it was that easy Barney. But to be frank, it is that easy when you think on that.
'Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance'. All of those phases, as hard as it is to believe is voluntary. There is a part of us. a part that few of us are able to bring forward who can fight back and just stop all of that.
Recently, when i was depressed about something, maybe the most depressed that I've ever been a lot of people close to me gave me different advices. My best friend told me different tactics to deal with it. But only one thing really helped. A sort of new friend, someone I've just met told me i was being Soppy and sounding really desperate. (thank you suha. i hope you never read this, cause i dont wanna admit it to you that i accepted that.) That gave me time to look at myself in the mirror and evaluate how I have been, do a real indept study of who i've been in the past few weeks or one month and realize that i m being someone who i m not. So, when you are depressed look at yourself, evaluate what you are doing and realize on your own (or with a help of a really absurd and big mouthed friend) that you are being a different person. Someone who is beneath you. Someone who you are not. And from there draw the courage to be you. be happy for what you've got in life. Cause when you evaluate your life, you'd always find that you've got somethings special. somethings worth being happy for. AND, watching How i met your mother helps too ;)
'Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance'. All of those phases, as hard as it is to believe is voluntary. There is a part of us. a part that few of us are able to bring forward who can fight back and just stop all of that.
Recently, when i was depressed about something, maybe the most depressed that I've ever been a lot of people close to me gave me different advices. My best friend told me different tactics to deal with it. But only one thing really helped. A sort of new friend, someone I've just met told me i was being Soppy and sounding really desperate. (thank you suha. i hope you never read this, cause i dont wanna admit it to you that i accepted that.) That gave me time to look at myself in the mirror and evaluate how I have been, do a real indept study of who i've been in the past few weeks or one month and realize that i m being someone who i m not. So, when you are depressed look at yourself, evaluate what you are doing and realize on your own (or with a help of a really absurd and big mouthed friend) that you are being a different person. Someone who is beneath you. Someone who you are not. And from there draw the courage to be you. be happy for what you've got in life. Cause when you evaluate your life, you'd always find that you've got somethings special. somethings worth being happy for. AND, watching How i met your mother helps too ;)
Apart from that, you have to realize that regrets are one thing that will keep you down. So do not regret anything that happened. There will be a phase somewhere along depression and anger in which you'd blame someone else or/and yourself for the bad things in life. But you've got to stop blaming anyone. Believe that its nobody's fault and that whatever happened, happened for the best. And you are happy with what you've got and damn straight, as barney said BE AWESOME. Of course, barney has a very 'special' way of being awesome. You don't have to be that. But do whatever you are passionate about. Live your life. Remember that whatever caused your depression is just a chapter of your life. Not the entire book and Live with a smile. A grin or a laugh would be better, but a smile would do :).
If you are depressed right now, you'd probably think all those are very easy to say. But to be quite frank it is very easy to do too. There is an invisible switch within your soul and being that you can click and start living life for the fullest. of course the bad stuff that have happened would always be a part of you, but keep it vague. as a memory. not as the whole of you. And a very important thing, lay off music for a while. IF YOU DO listen to music, listen to the funny stuff (eg. Tenacious D- Tribute) or the inspirational stuff (Wavin' Flag (haiti version) or the dirty stuff. (Nine Inch Nails - Closer) ;). So in conclusion, the answer, the ultimate cure to depression as weird as it sounds is Awesomeness :D.
If you are depressed right now, you'd probably think all those are very easy to say. But to be quite frank it is very easy to do too. There is an invisible switch within your soul and being that you can click and start living life for the fullest. of course the bad stuff that have happened would always be a part of you, but keep it vague. as a memory. not as the whole of you. And a very important thing, lay off music for a while. IF YOU DO listen to music, listen to the funny stuff (eg. Tenacious D- Tribute) or the inspirational stuff (Wavin' Flag (haiti version) or the dirty stuff. (Nine Inch Nails - Closer) ;). So in conclusion, the answer, the ultimate cure to depression as weird as it sounds is Awesomeness :D.
Highly communicative and a commendable conversational style of writing! This is an article that has been set forth with literary grace coupled with direct and discernible language. I have been observing over the past few days, the sharp accruement in the intellectual weight your articles seem to carry. Depression is without a doubt, a social blight almost all of us have to face every so often (for a prolonged period of time usually). This article in particular whisks the reader off and away into consortium with the author himself, and justifiably relates to us, in a humorously intelligible manner, the importance of parting ways with depression and moving ahead with life...
ReplyDeleteHowever,I shall be much obliged if the letter 'i's used in your article are capitalised where necessary for a more furnished presentation.
On the whole, wonderful job!
Thank you :]
ReplyDeleteAnd the tip about the 'i's is helpful. I will try to improve in future.