Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Cake and the Apple.

Hey Ryloggers,

It's 7 in the morning and today is the day Ish and I randomly decided to write a poem together so I thought I'd post the little mess that was formed. It's based on the  the first eight words we could think of. ( four of hers and four of mine) Love, Life, Death, Cake, Prostitution, Prosecution, Madmen and Apple. So here you go:-

                             Apple of my eye, fallen from the sky
                     'lest you didn't know, I witnessed your downfall
                 Horizons are a delusionary, illusion for the sun to rise
           but I've seen life flash before my eyes, while I stood tall ( -  Ish.)

                          O darling, you talk about life and death,
                                 As if they are worlds apart,
             And yet, I see myself but inches from its cold embrace,
                         O darling, Your love, prickly as thorns,
                 And yet, many layered in its sweetness, like cake.
                  Was appealing enough, for me to throw my life,
                           And face death, like mates of old.
                               Never was I ready though,
                To dig deep in and live, savoring every bite. ( - Me )
                      If the line between life and death is fine

                       The abyss between you and I is infinite
            I won't let you stand between what's rightfully mine
          I may be a madman but I'll prosecute thee tonight. ( - Ish )

                     I once did find beauty in your madness,
                               Like an apple half eaten,
                      Now all that I see in thine eyes, dark,
                              Is the reaper of my heart,
                                 All but too inclined,
               to make mine soul, thy personal prostitute. ( - Me )

It's completely bogus but I had to blog it. Aaiz out.

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