President Kennedy (May 29 1917 - November 22, 1963) a famous president amongst Americans of the past and today and also known to the whole world. I myself have heard President Kennedy's several times and folks I've got to tell you that almost 90% of those times it was in relation to his world famous quote, ' Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country,'
I don't pretend to differ with Kennedy entirely, in this quote. Indeed it is true. It is important to ask in every step of our lives, what we can do for our country. because our country is very important, to be very honest i don't believe there is anything which is more important than your nation, your motherland. Therefore in each step of our waking lives, we should ask ourselves what we can do for our country? What all contributions we can make for our nation? What we as citizens can do to make our motherland a betterplace? What are our duties towards our sacred homeland?
But i believe it is almost equally important to ask ourselves and the state and the stake holders of the state and the society and the government and the parliament what the state does for us, Does the state fullfill our human rights? cause guys, lets get real here. If you are not content and if you don't get your wants satisfied you wont have the motivation to work as a humble and dynamic citizen for your country. When we scroll through the pages of history we also see something else. Most of the rebellious leaders who had gone out there and brought revolution to their countries were driven to do so because they were deprived of their rights. I m a huge fan of the nurture argument in the Nature VS Nurture debate, i don't have to be right but, its my belief that nobody is born as anything. We are what the society molds and shapes us to be. Therefore, nobody is born a freedom fighter or even a nationalist. We are made as such.
Besides, guys how does a nation prosper anyway? what is the real prosperity of a country. I believe that a nation prospers through the prosperity of its most important aspect, the population. As we progress, so does our country. Its a direct relationship. So we need to be given the basic rights by the state in order for us to progress hereby bringing our nation up the charts with us.
Rights and duties are like the two faces of the same coin, folks. And here is the thing about a coin. Many people have different views about it. A lot of people believe that head is opposite to the tail. But i think without the Head there wont be the tail. The head is part of the tail and the tail is part of the head. They are different, yes, they are very different. But they are also inseperable. The same applies to rights and duties. To explain the oneness of rights and duties I'd like to take a very simple example. We have the right to live but its our duty to serve our nation in our life. WE have the right to work, but its our duty to work for the betterment of our nation. It is our right to vote. But its our duty to vote to establish a better governance for our nation. As you'd have seen from the example we are empowered with rights so we can do our duties.
THEREFORE, in constrast to the statement made by JFK, i personally believe that asking what our country does for us is also very important because it is directly related in determination of what we can do for our country.
- AAR -
True, rights and duties go together.The state must not demand anything from the ppl if she cant secure their rights. although in morality, they go together..Its seen that, in legality it doesnt. The state has a legal obligation with its mother nature to look after the citizens and to zecure their rights. But, the state dosnt generally force the ppl into duties for her as its a moral obligation.
ReplyDeleteI think the reason why ppl talk more about this quote of JFK is that, it totally speaks about a moral obligation, while the legal obligation of the state to provide her citizens with rights is secured by the laws state has accepted upon herself. :)